Thought#1: A very loving friend of mine in her early 50s has been facing cancer off and on over the last 5 years. They had found melanoma on her arm originally which she has surgery for and it was removed. They told her the words ' are cancer free' a few times now. This wonderful woman who is the mother of 2 boys and has an amazing husband who is still head over heels in love with her, is one of the most genuine people I know. I can't sit there asking myself why her, because it'll never make sense. She recently had another surgery in which they removed a spot of cancer from her brain so she will be in rehab through Christmas. Two friends of mine and myself went to visit her yesterday. We decorated her room in purple Christmas decor which is her favorite colour. We laughed and listened to her stories. We talked about what is going on in our lives and how lucky we all are. She's so inspiring, extremely amazing with her high spirits and positivity. After all she went through she stills, '..other people have it so much worse than me.'
Truly amazing and strong women!
Thought#2: I was in search for a fabulous arrangement of flowers to bring to my friend. She loves purple so that was definitely a start of what I wanted. I drove to the flower shop near my parents which is the only one in town and they are great! I love the owner, he's such a riot. I told him what I was looking for and his faced dropped a little. 'We have 3 funerals to do so unfortunately it won't be done for another 3 hrs..' I asked him if he recommended anywhere else. 'As much as I hate to say it but to get some quick nice flowers up the rode to Price Shopper'. So I went and I was little down wondering if these flowers would be as nice as they could have been if they were arranged by him. I went to the store and the woman behind the counter was putting this beautiful Holiday arrangement together. I was staring.. she smiled and asked if she could help me. I pointed to what she was in the middle of putting flowers in and said, 'I want that...'. She laughed and said it's yours. I told her the story about my friend and purple. Surely, the woman pulled out purple flowers and added them in.. See for yourself ;)
I fell in love with the pinecones
Thought#3: I went out last night for my older cousin's surprise 30th. I'm fortunate to have grown up with a family where my dad was 1 of 7 children so you can imagine how many cousins I have. Sadly, everyone over the years has moved away so we don't get to all be together. There are many I still see, so no need to be too sad :) I have to say that last night was such a fabulous night. We all danced, and laughed. I have cramps, sore feet, my ribs hurt and I have no voice. I'm smiling and still in awe over it all! I asked my cousin if he had a good night. He said 'the best and I'm so happy you are all apart of it'. I knew he was happy. All night I could see him just smiling and taking in everything.
Jenn, Me, Rick (birthday boy) & Kenny
Thought#4: I dressed Peanut up in his 'Christmas' attire to send out email Christmas cards since, well I didn't get too! So this is for everyone to enjoy. Hope you all love it.
I love you all! I hope you had a beautiful weekend too!