I just made up this blog title but I think its the perfect summary for this post! When I have a busy mind it's easier just to throw the random thoughts out there in no particular order. Plus it's fun ;)
Fabulous Random Thought #1: Writing on my blog and visiting everyone while, leaving comments, learning for everyone and being inspired has become my number one favorite thing to do! I make new friends everyday who are truly remarkable. One being, Michelle at Michabella Living a Life of Love. She is so sweet and I've already found myself lost in her blog in just a few days! Also I love her little clock on her page so I added one on mine! She started a 'Feature Friday' today and has graciously featured my blog. I would like to spread the love and send everyone over to visit her. Be sure to say hi, you will just fall in love! ♥
Fabulous Random Thought #2: Mother Nature sent more snow here in New England yesterday and the sun is out today increasing the icicles hanging on the edges of our house. They're beautiful so of course I took a few little snappy shots!
Fabulous Random Thought #3:I heart Circle Scarves. I must have mentioned that at least 3 other times in other posts. Today was definitely a KT Scarf sort of day. A beautiful thick, grey soft & warm scarf from Forever 21 (mi favorite store)!
Fabulous Random Thought #4: I shared this on my FB yesterday and had to show it here. Many months back a fella came a knockin' at our door. Okay, so I wasn't home but Charlie and he answered it. This fella was selling some sort of Internet/Cable/Phone package, a provider we don't currently have. Of course Charlie humored him and the guy left information asking us to review and call him if we're interested. The kicker of the story is he left.. what I call his 'Cheat Sheet' with the pamphlets. I had to take a picture because it cracked me up. That's like someone running for office listing 'facts' NOT to say so people don't know whats behind it all. Here's his list. I appreciate him for accidentally leaving it so we can share in a chuckle together!
If you click on the image it's bigger in another window ♥
Fabulous Random Thought #5: The Blog of the Month is coming closer to and end, only 3 days to vote. Continuing to send love and thanks to those who have voted for me!

Love you all. Have a fabulous Friday!!!