Sponsors: You will see the two lovely banners on the top right of my blog and I would like to introduce these two amazing ladies to all of you. Be sure to stop bye and spread the love. They both are quite inspiring and I know you will simply adore their blogs as much as I do. I thank you both for being sponsors at Love is Everywhere!
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Liesl has been a genuine friend from the moment I met her many years ago. She is what an ideal role model should be. She's positive, outgoing, funny and extremely stylish. Her blog consists of cute, affordable styles for any woman. Also, she recently is newly engaged so she's been including everyone in her journey with choosing from cakes to venues. Definitely stop bye to visit her as you will too be inspired and it will be hard to walk away without reading more!Blogs of the Week: This is my second week with this feature and I love it. I'm happy to be able to share these blogs with you. You will see on the right side of Love is Everywhere every Wednesday 2 new blogs. Stop bye and visit both of them. There's a reason they're listed ♥ :)
Bloscars!!: As I've mentioned in prior posts Ashley at Eisy Morgan has put together this fabulous event. I love it. Love is Everywhere is one of the finalists in Love is Everywhere! She contacted me for an interview and I had such a good time being apart of this. Please visit her to see the interview and be sure to keep following up with Ashley to see who the winners are on Sunday! ♥ Visit here!
Goodnight everyone ♥ Have a beautiful Friday! Wake up and remind yourself, it's a new day. Don't let anyone or anything bring you down!