Embracing Tuesday & Sharing some Random Thoughts with all of my friends ♥
#1: I am a Sponsor at one of my favorite blogs, Eisy Morgan. For those who know her.. LOVE her! Today I am featured on her blog. If you have a few minutes, please stop over and check it out, be sure to browse around and see everything she does. She's amazing!
#2: This girl right here (me) has been a total slacker with so many areas of my life. One being my 29 Days of Gifts. I promise you that I have been 'giving' every day. I just have not been writing about it. I will begin sharing again. :)
#3: I've been brainstorming about some new projects I'd like to start that involve Love is Everywhere! I'm not sure what it will be or when they'll start, but just know there's a bit of chaos going around in my little noggin! It's all good stuff ♥
#4: L&O SVU was new last week and I was in shock when I saw Rose McGowan. It's so sad when these actresses get so much facial work that you have to 'google' to look for a recent photo of them. I'm still shock.
#5: There's a fabulous & fun giveaway going on here that ends on April 1st! Don't miss out on entering! ♥