As impossible as it seemed to me thinking of getting up, quitting my job, leaving our home and just venturing out.. I feel in a way it could be feasible. Perhaps, someday. Charlie then showed me this video that truly inspired me. Shortly after I created my blog. There this guy named Charlie (not my Charlie, not to confuse you) who is apart of a group called 'The Love Police'. I wish I knew where to sign up! So I saw this video and it was amazing. This man walking on a NY subway that is by far a miserable place at times for anyone to be and working to cheer everyone up. I hope you enjoy, to me..That's Love!
I know we always say we don't have time but even if you watch a little of each I promise you'll be inspired. This first video is approximately 6 minutes and Charlie (the fellow from The Love Police) talking about why they travel and make their videos.
This video was the first one I saw, that my Charlie had shown me.