Today is gloomy, oh how it's dreadful out. With any day like today there's still beauty to be found, love to be spread around and did I mention fun? There's always something to do on a day like today.
Looking out our bedroom window in search for just a smidge of sunlight there I see the pretty flowers growing under our Maple Tree. They brighten up our front yard. Don't mind the dead grass. It's a work in progress! :)
Shopping and great finds brighten a day like today! My sister and I took a trip to Target (a dangerous store because of the awesome prices). I spent under $60 and walked away with some fabulous new items.
Then of course my favorite thing to do.. Blog! I have more time today to browse around and catch up on all your lives! I wish I was home all day, lol... one could dream right? That's me, snuck away to the bedroom where it's quiet and cozy.
Then this evening Charlie and I will be spending with our two besties. I can't wait to see them. We're trying to get time in while we can before they head off to San Diego! We're excited for our visits out there ♥
How did you spend your day? I hope it was a sunnier there here in CT! I love you all :)