~Oh what a Good Friday it's been ♥
~This will be short & sweet as I am so exhausted!
~Today I left work feeling quite accomplished. I finished all unfinished work and Monday I will start from scratch. Believe me when I say.. that never happens to me. Hooray!
~Peanut and I took a little walk in our yard and in the search for a good Peanut pee spot we discovered these beautiful flowers. They are technically in my neighbor's yard but knowing there is just dirt and dead trees.. these survived. Reminding me of that beautiful story "The Last Leaf" by O'Henry. May I add this photo was taken by my phone. Oh how I love my phone's superpowers to take such a sweet picture! It's all about the little things that surprise us.. that we discovered which have truly always been there!
I hope that this weekend when you find yourself in a moment you've been many times before, a place that you know inside and out.. you'll look around and take it all in. You'll be shocked to see what has been right in front of you this whole time. It's a great feeling, I promise ♥