- Trying to explain something to someone and repeating "'s Number "N"..." They said "...excuse me?".. I said "...Number "N" like Nancy..."
- Eating yummy pasta that I bought from Price Chopper. I was starving so I ran in the house, pulled out a fork, sat down and just began devouring it. I look up and there are the two cats on the counter staring at me and Peanut licking his lips besides me. I forgot... they're hungry too!
- Blogger being down for an entire day! (I just had to throw that in there)
- I found these awesome solar lights that you put against each wooden step off that deck. That way at night when you step down you can see your way. Well a) I only bought 2 thinking we have 4 steps.. every other when we really have 6-7 steps! and b) Only one is working, lol.
- I sort of, kind of cut of a car when I pulled out of a parking lot. Then I sort of kind of got stuck directly next to them at the light. I'm pretty sure from the corner of my right eye I saw gestures coming from their vehicle. Sorry sir in the red car!
- Charlie and I getting to spend time with our besties Ryan & Alisha & their little baby RJ [our nephew ;) ] He's the cutest bundle of love I've ever seen in my 26 years!
- Having a cookout tonight, regardless of the clouds I see outside. Our friends are coming over, we're firing up that grill and just grillaxin'!
- My cousin is getting married, we can't wait. I love weddings and I found a wicked cute dress that I'm 102% positive Audrey Hepburn would have wore :)
- Went back to Bed Bath & Beyond to buy 2 more packages of those solar lights to complete the steps. They better work!
- I did Engagement Photos for a couple last Friday and they came out amazing! Truly amazing & I can't wait to share with the couple. I know they'll be happy.