- The brakes are going in my car so there was a bit of grinding today. My poor car aka My Boy Blue must be so angry with me.
- My lovely neighbor cut my hair in her personal salon in her home. It was really neat going into a neighbor's house to see how everything is compared to ours. She gave me all the gossip of the neighborhood. I really wish she didn't because now I'm scared of a few people. It's like seeing someone naked that you just wish you could turn back time! Lol.
- Walking into the wrong room at work where a meeting was in progress, which I was definitely not invited to.
- Talking and walking at work with a co-worker when I slammed right into a cabinet. Who put that there?
- Singing a duet at karaoke with my friend and I was the guy. ;)
- I opened my Etsy Shop today and very happy about it. You can purchase photos I've taken and display in your home or give to others as a gift ♥ Love is Photography
- My favorite Aunt Dee is down this week and this coming Saturday we are having a huge family picnic which is a Pre-4th of July party mixed with my cousin's graduation. I can't wait to be with everyone as well take a gazillion pictures ♥
- I am off from work today and tomorrow and it feels amazing, stress free. Oh I just love this feeling!
- At the Party Store that my girlfriend and I went to, in order to find invites for her housewarming party coming up.. I found a candy section. Was I in heaven? Yes! There was blow pops and fun-dip. Currently, I'm enjoying a Cherry Blow Pop. Mmmm...
- A night out at the Casino tomorrow night for one of our buddies birthdays. I cannot wait to be with our group of good friends!