When did you begin blogging and what inspired you? -I began blogging in July of 2010 when my then boyfriend (now fiance) went off to bootcamp. I started reading all of these books to keep my mind off of him being gone and I really wanted to share my opinion on these books somehow. I started a book blog and became engrossed in the book review blog world. I eventually ran out of money to buy books (deleted my old book blog) and discovered this blog world and fell so much in love with it. I still book blog at Bright Wishes Book Reviews if you'd like to see recommendations.
*What is your favorite hobby and when did it begin? -Of course my favorite hobby would be blogging. I really don't have any other hobbies other then reading. Being a blogger has so many benefits and personal rewards. You meet so many great people and are given so many opportunities. You just have to stick with it even when you think you can't.
*Is there something that you always wanted to do in life? Do you have a passion for something you’re working towards? -I've always wanted to have my own business. I'm still not sure what that will be yet. Check out this post for all my dreams. I would love to start my own bakery, photography business, wedding planning/styling business, and more! I really need to start at one thing though ;)
*Is there something you do to ‘de-stress’? If so, tells us about it. -To de-stress I will either read or watch a movie. When Mr. Charming (my fiance) is home, I like to just cuddle and laugh and be silly with each other and that takes the stress right out of me!
*Is there anything happening your life at this moment, that you’re absolutely loving? -I'm planning a wedding (mostly by myself) but I love it so much. Of course it's extremely hard but I love planning all the details. On my blog I will frequently talk about my wedding plans which I think people really enjoy!
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When did you begin blogging and what inspired you? - I started blogging in November of last year! My husband is in the Navy and we were about to make our cross country move from Georgia to California, and a family member actually suggested it to help keep everyone back home updated. I never thought it would become what it is today!
What is your favorite hobby and when did it begin? - I love doing make-up and hair. Is the even considered a hobby? Probably not, but it's something I truly enjoy! I've done a lot of friends make-up and hair for weddings, and now that my daughter has enough it's even more fun to make cute little girl hairstyles!
Is there something you do to ‘de-stress’? If so, tells us about it. - I know it sounds so cliche', but I love a good shower. I would say bath, but with a 2-year-old running out those can sometimes be out of the question unless you want someone to join you. But to be able to just stay in a shower as long as I want and actually be able to shave my legs? Pure magic!
Do you have advice for other bloggers who are just starting off? - Blog for you! Always, always, always blog for you. I've gotten my fair share of snarky comments, but the best thing to do is delete them and move on. For every 1 of those you get, you probably get 100 more ones that lift you up.
Is there anything happening your life at this moment, that you’re absolutely loving? - The age that my daughter is now. I think I've continued to say it almost every month since she was born, but right now is my favorite age. She just turned two and learning so many new things! Hearing all of the cute things she has to say completely makes my day.
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Fabulous Fashions 4 Sensible Style: Liesl
Fashion Blog
Fabulous Fashions 4 Sensible Style: Liesl
Fashion Blog
*When did you begin blogging and what inspired you? -I began blogging 2 years ago, but only seriously about a year ago in June of 2010. I had been to a red carpet event at Paramount where I wore an outfit I put together from my closet for under $100 from head to toe, which you can see here (http://fabulousfashions4sensiblestyle.blogspot.com/2009/06/affordable-red-carpet-look-price.html). So, since I have always loved fashion, but gotten the most compliments on my most affordable items, even from celebrities and people in the entertainment and fashion industry, I wanted to share it with others, but never thought I would have the following I do now. Ultimately, I began blogging because I enjoyed it and it has become a true passion of mine over time!
*Is there anything happening your life at this moment, that you’re absolutely loving? -I am currently planning my wedding for September of 2012, and I have to say, it has brought me such joy, especially participating in Wedding Wednesday on my blog, which I saw so many of my fellow bloggers doing, but didn't really think I would be taking part in. Next thing you know, I am engaged and doing just that! :) Honestly, I don't think I ever expected it to be as much fun as it is, and since I started my planning right after getting engaged on January 5th of this year, I am just enjoying the process and pretty stress-free about it now, which I hope I can maintain, but I know the usual stresses will creep in as it the wedding day approaches!
*What is your favorite hobby and when did it begin? -This is a fun question! A hobby I have had since I was very little was collecting stickers! Now, I used to just put them in a sticker album and not use them, but I am someone who frequently sends cards and letters and cover them, especially the envelope, in stickers since it looks incomplete without it in my eyes...almost like my accessory to the letter or card itself! :) Now, I just gather stickers I like and keep them in an accordion folder organized by sticker type or category (ie: hearts, stars, holiday, animals/things that fly or move, birthday, flowers, etc.) for the purpose of actually using them.
My other hobby is an odd one, which started when I was about 12 in middle school when a friend of mine, who had just moved to the US from Canada, had a couple fun soda cans from Québec that were almost like art and brightly colored with illustrations on them, but they were just plain drinking soda cans there, and she gave me three to keep after I expressed how much I loved them! Anywho, from that day forward I started collecting any cans that were decorated and my collection began to grow. You can see some of my collection here (http://img577.imageshack.us/img577/7213/decoratedsodacancollect.jpg) with the 3 that started it all on the top left stacked on top of each other! Now, what I will do with them, who knows, but I plan to put them on display in a theatre room in my house one day for fun to display them! :)
*Is there something that you always wanted to do in life? Do you have a passion for something you’re working towards? -My personal passions and career wants in life have evolved and changed as I have grown older, but I have always wanted to open my own Children's Charity Foundation. Or at least be an active part of a current one where I don't just donate money, but actively interact with and visit the children and volunteer my time. I love knowing that I am doing something to give back or help others, it just makes me happy in ways I can't quite explain. I'm one of those who prefers to give gifts rather than receive them, and am known to wait forever to actually even open gifts I'm given...hehe...yes, I always like them, but giving them brings me a pure sense of joy.
*What is the best vacation you ever had in life and why? -This is such a great question and a very tough one for me to answer because I have been fortunate to have so many wonderful ones around the world growing up with my extraordinary family. One of my best was probably our family trip to Kenya, Africa and the safaris we went on seeing animals up close and personal, including going out to a viewing deck, when certain alarms sounded in the middle of the night, to see herds of animals and unique sightings!
My others would probably be my summer at a beautiful farm house in Turenne, France or summer in Argentina when I was 15 visiting a friend who lived there, and then celebrating Christmas and the Millennium in Sydney, Australia and Hamilton Island with my entire family! Mostly because all, except Argentina, were experienced with my family and each introduced me to different people and ways of life! Oh and my most recent trip to Prince Edward Island with 3 friends for a week where we rented a lovely house on the water, relaxed and went on little day adventures. That one was a best one because we didn't have international cell phone service, didn't go online and just truly were able to put that aside for a full week and truly enjoy being away without all the distractions of modern technology.