One of my besties and I had fun last night dancing and being our crazy selves. We did some video taping together but I'm sharing with you my Awkward & Awesome Dance moves. Tomorrow I leave for San Diego; however, I'll have my laptop with me so I'll be keeping in touch with everyone via my blog. Enjoy the video and I hope it makes you want to dance too. ♥
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Jury Duty. It's Fun.
Someone once told me during a discussion that there is 3 sides to every story. There is yours, mine and the truth. That's stuck with me all of these years, because the statement is so accurate in my eyes. We feel we're telling the truth but sometimes what we see is altered as we're not really seeing the whole entire picture, only from our point of view.
I was lucky and chosen for Jury Duty last week. 8 Years ago I had gone but then dismissed when they were selecting the Jurors due to one of my answers. I was heartbroken as that was something I really wanted to do. Perhaps, it's because I'm a Law&Order nut.. perhaps? I have always, though, genuinely wanted to be on a Jury. To see how the system works and be apart of it. I've thought so many times what if someone I loved was in court. I'd feel comforted knowing there was someone open minded on the sidelines.
Back to my story. Last Tuesday I went and I was selected. It was on a Civil Trial but it last 3 days. I loved every moment of it. Also, it's over so I can finally talk about it (per the Judge). I saw first hand what I was once told. There are 3 sides to every story. In this case there was about 4 sides + the truth. What was the truth? I couldn't really tell you as there were so many unasked questions. But with all of the evidence we went over during deliberation it was amazing at how many additional facts came out that didn't during the trial.
I learned a lot from this experience. It was so interesting to be inside the court room and listen as people told their stories. It was also pretty odd to see grown adults getting caught in lies on the stand. As they do in the movies. Most of all I think about how this trial was meant to be. I spent 4 days in total with 7 other individuals that were on the Jury with me. They all came from different areas, backgrounds and truly inspiring in their own way. I felt like they were family immediately and apart of me knows I'll probably never run into them again throughout the remainder of my life. However, we were all brought together even just for a few days to be apart of one another's lives. I love that. This whole experience was life changing for me.
So in conclusion to this picture-less post. If you ever receive your summons in the mail to go to Jury Duty don't get disgusted or try to think of a way out of it. Pray that you get selected, because you'll take so much back from the experience, I promise you. Stay open minded from the being until the end. As with life, we need to do that everyday.
I was lucky and chosen for Jury Duty last week. 8 Years ago I had gone but then dismissed when they were selecting the Jurors due to one of my answers. I was heartbroken as that was something I really wanted to do. Perhaps, it's because I'm a Law&Order nut.. perhaps? I have always, though, genuinely wanted to be on a Jury. To see how the system works and be apart of it. I've thought so many times what if someone I loved was in court. I'd feel comforted knowing there was someone open minded on the sidelines.
Back to my story. Last Tuesday I went and I was selected. It was on a Civil Trial but it last 3 days. I loved every moment of it. Also, it's over so I can finally talk about it (per the Judge). I saw first hand what I was once told. There are 3 sides to every story. In this case there was about 4 sides + the truth. What was the truth? I couldn't really tell you as there were so many unasked questions. But with all of the evidence we went over during deliberation it was amazing at how many additional facts came out that didn't during the trial.
I learned a lot from this experience. It was so interesting to be inside the court room and listen as people told their stories. It was also pretty odd to see grown adults getting caught in lies on the stand. As they do in the movies. Most of all I think about how this trial was meant to be. I spent 4 days in total with 7 other individuals that were on the Jury with me. They all came from different areas, backgrounds and truly inspiring in their own way. I felt like they were family immediately and apart of me knows I'll probably never run into them again throughout the remainder of my life. However, we were all brought together even just for a few days to be apart of one another's lives. I love that. This whole experience was life changing for me.
So in conclusion to this picture-less post. If you ever receive your summons in the mail to go to Jury Duty don't get disgusted or try to think of a way out of it. Pray that you get selected, because you'll take so much back from the experience, I promise you. Stay open minded from the being until the end. As with life, we need to do that everyday.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Sweet Evening. Sweet Tune. Sweet.
I was going through some old posts and this one was from back in 2010. I shared something that not too many people have heard. It's Charlie playing the guitar and yours truly singing. This was recorded about 5 or 6 years ago. I don't have the greatest voice. It's Charlie's guitar playing that made this sound so lovely. Enjoy ♥
The Beatles (AKA Charlie & Katie) - In My Life
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Turn Up The Music!
It's funny but when I first began my blog prior to a year ago... I'm talking.. years and years ago. The title of the blog was (which eventually changed of course) 'Turn Up The Music'. I had no intention of blogging about music; however, when I did happen to write I always made sure there was inspiring music to help me gather my thoughts and put the emotion into my words.
I wanted to share today with you some damn, good music. It's a Sunday and what better way to start it then listen to a really kick ass cool band? I'm always proud when I hear about people from my hometown doing something great with their lives. Whether they are on a pro sports team (there's a bunch), become doctors, teachers, start or are apart of some organization and most of all dedicate their talent to putting together an extraordinary band. Over the last few months I've gone to more and more shows for The Electric Shoes and their talent amazes me leaving me in complete awe. All of their songs are original and written by only them. I can't wait for the day they're famous and I'm sitting in the car and I hear their voices on the radio. Their talent is just too good. Did I mention they're the nicest group of guys too?
So today, instead of seeing some pictures of mine I hope you'll stop over to their site and listen to some of their music. If you love it, as much as I do go to their Facebook page and 'like' it. No need to mention I sent you. If you're in the New England area and want to be spontaneous one night, head to a show. You won't be disappointed. Also, spread the word.. because here we spread the Love and well, music IS love!
The Electric Shoes Website
The Electric Shoes Facebook Like them here ♥
They have a song featured here on a new Recording Studio Site.
I wanted to share today with you some damn, good music. It's a Sunday and what better way to start it then listen to a really kick ass cool band? I'm always proud when I hear about people from my hometown doing something great with their lives. Whether they are on a pro sports team (there's a bunch), become doctors, teachers, start or are apart of some organization and most of all dedicate their talent to putting together an extraordinary band. Over the last few months I've gone to more and more shows for The Electric Shoes and their talent amazes me leaving me in complete awe. All of their songs are original and written by only them. I can't wait for the day they're famous and I'm sitting in the car and I hear their voices on the radio. Their talent is just too good. Did I mention they're the nicest group of guys too?
So today, instead of seeing some pictures of mine I hope you'll stop over to their site and listen to some of their music. If you love it, as much as I do go to their Facebook page and 'like' it. No need to mention I sent you. If you're in the New England area and want to be spontaneous one night, head to a show. You won't be disappointed. Also, spread the word.. because here we spread the Love and well, music IS love!
The Electric Shoes Website
The Electric Shoes Facebook Like them here ♥
They have a song featured here on a new Recording Studio Site.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Sponsor Time!
Hello all! It's that time again. It's coming close to the end of the month, which means a new one is right around the corner. If you would like to be a Sponsor at Love is Everywhere feel free to contact me! All the details you can find here: Sponsor Love. If you have any questions at all shoot me an e-mail at

Thursday, September 22, 2011
One Moment

It's amazing how one moment changes your life.
Decisions you make.
Where you are standing.
Turning your head in a particular direction and what you see.
The people you meet.
Hearing a name for the first time that is unique to you.
A newborn, a new life.
Getting drenched from the rain.
Being under an umbrella and staying dry.
Using the elevator instead of the stairs.
Forgetting to shut a door and a mosquito gets in. Getting bit.
Forgetting to turn off a curling iron. Getting burnt.
Leaving one moment late only to be right behind and accident.
Leaving one moment early only to avoid an accident.
Neglecting to tell someone how you feel.
Giving someone a hug.
Receiving a hug.
This week has been full of those moments. Good and bad. ♥
Love you all!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Sponsor Love: Taking The Road Less Traveled
* Blog *
I am very excited to be a sponsor for the month of September.
I am all about supporting fellow bloggers who inspire me!
I am all about supporting fellow bloggers who inspire me!
About me?
I’m a hot mess!
I’m a Christian, social worker, disability rights advocate, former model, high school sweetheart married, runner, wanna be awesome at yoga mama to be through the miracle of adoption.
AND I’m a blogger.
I believe in the simplicity of life being the most beautiful thing. And I try to find beauty in every moment of life, even in this long and tumultuous journey of adoption.
So if your interested in following along on our journey to adopt our daughter from Taiwan, take comfort in biblical truths, enjoy a good love story, or just want to try and keep up with my crazy minds…
Please join us!
Sponsor Love: Living Aloha
I'm Angie and I blog over at Living Aloha! My husband and I live on the beautiful island of Maui, where I write about some of our daily adventures, my dreams of becoming a full-time artist and my love for the island lifestyle. I started my blog just over a year ago and it has quickly become a passion that I hope to grow into something bigger. I am happiest when I am painting in my studio, photographing and documenting our days, blogging in a coffee shop, surfing waves in the deep blue, or running under the island sunshine. Come take a virtual vacation and visit me over on my blog. :) Aloha!

Sponsor Love: Blonde Out Loud
* Blog * Twitter * Facebook * BE STRONG for Dan Campaign *
Hi everyone! I started blogging over with another site to chronicle my time in business school for myself and for my family to keep up. My life took a big turn last summer when my brother unexpectedly passed away and I found myself writing more as a way to express my feelings and put my mind elsewhere once in a while. And let me tell ya, it helped!
You can find all kinds of things on my blog throughout the week including Blonde Moment Mondays. In that weekly feature, I like to share blonde moments that I have either committed myself or have witnessed – sometimes by my mom! You can also read about the BE STRONG for Dan Campaign that is devoted to supporting a friend that was in a plane crash this summer. We’re making bracelets and distributing them across the country and around the world!
I do a lot of dog sitting for my friends and family, so once in a while there may be guest cameos from my friends Luna Pup & Daisy Mae, Rusty Burger or Ollie Monster.
Through writing my newest blog, Blonde Out Loud, I’ve made such wonderful friends including our own dear Katie. It’s been fun having a new network of friends that keep me grounded and entertained!

Monday, September 19, 2011
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Life Changes. ♥
I don't think the idea of starting over necessarily means a new change in location. It's just 'Change' in general. I've been needing this for quite some time. A lifestyle change so to speak. I've become stressed with certain parts of my life and I was reminded that this is the only life that I, Katie will ever have. That once it's over, the curtain will come down and we'll see the words, The End (thanks for playing).
It's easy for me to look around and find things that make me happy. It's even easier to live each day and find things for others to make them happy. The thing I don't do though is focus on what doesn't make me happy and try to eliminate that from my life. So, that's been my goal recently. One of my many stresses and something that I've been yearning to change is what I do day to day. I've felt that I need to make a change with work and so I have. It was a difficult decision to make. I thought about the consequences of my leaving my job and I also thought about if I had stayed. So, I'm moving on. This is a huge life changing event for me as I've spent the last 5 years in my life at the same place. It's a routine, which I bet everyone can agree is a hard thing to break.
We get so comfortable in our lives, whether it's work, relationships or lack of hobbies. We tend to get a little nervous when we want to remove or add something from our life. The uncertainty of what could happen leaves up thinking about the worst possible scenario so what do we do? We do nothing. We continue to live a life that may not be completely fulfilling to us because we're scared of change. It sure is a scary thing but how many beautiful things have happened from change? A lot if you stop to think about it.
So here I am sharing with you something that is scary yet exciting. Something that is making me want to jump out of my skin and scream because I'm so happy about what is waiting in my future. I've made a change and you know who it's for? Me. I finally did something for this girl right here.
I hope that if you're in a situation, a rut let's say and you've been wanting to get out. Make a list of pro's and con's. Remember that this is the only life you get, as you. You need to live it how you want to. Don't let anyone tell you, that you can't do something. Don't let anyone try to alter the decision you're yearning to make. Look in the mirror and tell yourself "I do deserve to be happy and I'm the only one that can make that happen."
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Awkward and Awesome Thursday!
- Leaving a meeting late and rushing to the one following it. I wait in a room for 5 minutes, only to be sitting myself and no one shows up. I run (walk fast) across the building up the stairs to check my computer. The meeting was changed to a different room. I then ran down the stairs across the building just to catch everyone as they were leaving. "Hey Katie, it's over.."
- Charlie made these Velveeta Cheese Sandwiches (aka Grilled Cheese). He handed me the plate and said watch out the cheese is hot. Needless to say, I dove in and the roof of my mouth is completely burnt. Ouch.
- My neighbor gave us all these beautiful flowers. I took one at a time and cut the ends off then tried to fit them in a tiny vase. Then came the bundle that had spiders on them. I ran full speed onto the couch and yelled for Charlie to throw them out. Adios flowers. A simple method would be to rinse the spiders off, huh?
- Walking towards a group of people that were just having a conversation about you. Uncomfortable for them for being caught as well for me knowing what they were talking about. (My life changing decision). ;)
- Peanut hitting his bell at the back door. So I open it to let him run around the deck. He then begins barking at the darkness in the backyard. In the house he goes. Peanut hits the bell again. I open the door, 5 minutes later he barks. Repeat this 5x until I figure out not to let him out.
- Tonight I got to meet my beautiful niece, Ellie. She's the daughter of one of my very close friends, Michelle. As you see that cute face above that I'm holding. She was so good the entire night, looking around taking it all in. Peanut licked her toes and tried to give her kisses all over her face. Ellie is such an amazing little girl. She's already changed lives just by being here. ♥
- Getting ready for a fun Karaoke Night this Saturday with a bunch of our friends at our casa. Charlie bought some new speakers to make the house shake, haha. My neighbors are in for a treat. (Really we're not those neighbors, I promise).
- I have some great job interviews lined up (ooh a little sneak peak into my life changing decision!).
- I had gone to Hallmark to pick up some stuff. As I go to pay I hand my debit card to the cashier which I think happened to be the owner or Manager. He swiped it through and it didn't work. Their systems were down. 40 minutes later everything got up and running. He apologized for the wait, I replied saying that it's okay.. things happen. As I walk out he stops me and hands me a Vera Bradley 2011-2012 planner. He smiled and said this is for being so patient. Boy, am I glad that I'm a patient little lady! :)
- 2 cute little kids brought their parents dining room chairs out on the sidewalk and taped paper up. The sign read "Free Magic Show." Seriously, how adorable and it made me smile to see how creative little kids can be!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Out of the Office ;)
Hello to all. Today Love is Everywhere is being featured over at Moose Track and Tater Stacks.
Stop over to visit ♥ Love you all!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Before and After
So I enjoy changing my hair a lot. You may remember this post. If you haven't you'll see my hairstyles throughout the years. I always want to let it grow, then I want to cut it off. Then I cut it off and cry that I wish I let it grow out. I change my mind constantly, as I'm sure many of you do to.
I decided to pick the worst hair picture I have for a 'before'.. you know like they do on those makeover shows. It was messy that day because of the wind and lack of letting my hair dry without straightening it.
Yesterday, after I made a big decision that will change my life (I'll tell all about it in a future post).. I needed another change. My neighbor is a hairdresser and did my hair once before. She put some highlights in it and the a trim. After she trimmed it I thought, nah let's go shorter. 4 inches later there was a pile of my thick locks on the ground. I really love it. Change is good. It's healthy ♥ So is mah hair ;)

I decided to pick the worst hair picture I have for a 'before'.. you know like they do on those makeover shows. It was messy that day because of the wind and lack of letting my hair dry without straightening it.
Yesterday, after I made a big decision that will change my life (I'll tell all about it in a future post).. I needed another change. My neighbor is a hairdresser and did my hair once before. She put some highlights in it and the a trim. After she trimmed it I thought, nah let's go shorter. 4 inches later there was a pile of my thick locks on the ground. I really love it. Change is good. It's healthy ♥ So is mah hair ;)

If you would like to share a little before and after in your life.. feel free to link it up here!

Monday, September 12, 2011
Trapezoid in the Sky
As we're driving home tonight, Elton John "Your Song" played on the radio. It took what felt like forever to find a station playing music. I stopped immediately as I heard that beautiful.. piano.. playing man. I rolled down the window to feel the cool breeze. It was such a relaxing feeling and felt completely at peace in that moment. I put my hand out the window as I'm sure you have at many times to feel the air smacking your palm. In clear view were 4 stars. As I connected the stars with my finger it make a Trapezoid. I thought to myself how life is just like one. It's a strenuous uphill battle and then there's that calm.. the steady pace where things seem to be going great, then you drop. This past year has felt like that for me. Today, though, it's been a great day. I'm at the top of the Trapezoid and wish I could reach out to all of you and give a big hug. I wish I could spread all of this positive energy I'm feeling today to each and every one of you. Take my word, that things will get better. Just step outside and look up at the stars. Hopefully, there's no clouds where you are. If they are, keep trying each night. Love you all. ♥
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Sunday Updates ♥
Happy Sunday to all ♥
If you haven't already be sure to enter the $15 Shop Credit Giveaway to Stonewash & Bloom.
Click here to go to the post where you complete all of the entries!
The Giveaway ends 9/13, so you have a few more days :)
Then there is a 35% discount off all photos at my Etsy Shop, Love is Photography. This will end on 9/26.
Just use the Coupon Code: LOVEPRINTS at checkout.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Looking At Now.

October 1st marks the 1 yr Anniversary of Love is Everywhere. I had always blogged here and there; however, it wasn't until a year ago that I went in with all I have. I started the blog off with 30 Days of Truth that my friend Garnet did. I was incredibly inspired by her. I figured that if I could slowly allow myself to be comfortable and completely open with the 30 Days then without a doubt I could succeed with my blog.
I've been sitting here all morning when I should really be outside enjoying the warm sunshine.. reading over my 30 Days and thinking about this past year and what I've accomplished. Love is Everywhere has changed my life for the best. I've met so many great people and all of you continue to inspire me daily.
Without question.. I enjoy writing, making others smile, taking photos and being surrounded by the most important people in my life. The one thing though that I seem to hesitate with is taking chances. The one thing that does not make me happy is what I'm currently doing in my life, careerwise. I'm at a point in my life that I am not happy waking up each day and where I go to spend 8 hours of my day. I can only imagine how many of you feel that way. I immediately feel stress and it seems to be causing me to be physically and constantly sick. It's awful, I know. I've let this go on for far too long.
So I'm erasing all the goals in life on my current list. I'm throwing away those To Do lists that seem to sit collecting dust anyways. I'm putting my Bucket List under the bed for another day. My pen is out and on a blank sheet of paper it will only list one thing. My only goal at this time in my life and will stand alone until it's completed is finding a new job. ♥
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Awkward and Awesome Thursday!
Sadly, I've been sick all week so unfortunately not being out of the house means there wasn't much awkward. I will try to reach back in my 'past bag' to see what I can pull together. This photo was taken while Charlie and I were away for our Anniversary weekend.
- I was sitting at the Doctor's office, in the waiting room. I spaced out only to come back to reality and listening (okay call it eavesdropping) in this old ladies conversation to this man. All that I heard was bits and pieces.."Oh.. when my kids were younger I'd tie them to the bumper.. I know.. I know that must sound awful, but really everyone did that.. No, I mean it was so they wouldn't get swept away in floods.."
- Peanut humping my leg as I lay sick on the couch. Not cool Peanut.. not cool. I just yelled and said, "Homie don't play that."
- This rude guy that lives around the corner pulled out with his broncho in front of me as I was driving. Completely cut me off and I had to swurve a little. I honked the horn and he gave me the finger (you know which one). I sat confused at the stop sign wondering what I did when he cut me off? Why do people do that?
- Two of our close friends will be getting married this coming weekend. It's all so very exciting! They are beautiful together. It still amazes me with every one of our friends getting married that we're even old enough to do that! I feel like it was just yesterday I was beginning High School. Time sure flies on bye baby!
- 3 weeks in 1 day I'll be in San Diego with my bestie Alisha & RJ, and you'll never have to hear me talk about it again :)
- Missing an awesome Lady's PotLuck Dinner with my girlfriends. I'm glad they had fun, but I'm bummed I wasn't there because I'm not feeling well. The awesome part is I'm already planning the next one in my head so it gives me something to look forward to!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Only Once in Your Life..
Today as I'm a bit under the weather I'll take a break and step aside to share with you some beautiful words... from someone I wish I had the chance to know.

"Only once in your life, I truly believe, you find someone who can completely turn your world around. You tell them things that you’ve never shared with another soul and they absorb everything you say and actually want to hear more. You share hopes for the future, dreams that will never come true, goals that were never achieved and the many disappointments life has thrown at you. When something wonderful happens, you can’t wait to tell them about it, knowing they will share in your excitement. They are not embarrassed to cry with you when you are hurting or laugh with you when you make a fool of yourself. Never do they hurt your feelings or make you feel like you are not good enough, but rather they build you up and show you the things about yourself that make you special and even beautiful. There is never any pressure, jealousy or competition but only a quiet calmness when they are around. You can be yourself and not worry about what they will think of you because they love you for who you are. The things that seem insignificant to most people such as a note, song or walk become invaluable treasures kept safe in your heart to cherish forever. Memories of your childhood come back and are so clear and vivid it’s like being young again. Colours seem brighter and more brilliant. Laughter seems part of daily life where before it was infrequent or didn’t exist at all. A phone call or two during the day helps to get you through a long day’s work and always brings a smile to your face. In their presence, there’s no need for continuous conversation, but you find you’re quite content in just having them nearby. Things that never interested you before become fascinating because you know they are important to this person who is so special to you. You think of this person on every occasion and in everything you do. Simple things bring them to mind like a pale blue sky, gentle wind or even a storm cloud on the horizon. You open your heart knowing that there’s a chance it may be broken one day and in opening your heart, you experience a love and joy that you never dreamed possible. You find that being vulnerable is the only way to allow your heart to feel true pleasure that’s so real it scares you. You find strength in knowing you have a true friend and possibly a soul mate who will remain loyal to the end. Life seems completely different, exciting and worthwhile. Your only hope and security is in knowing that they are a part of your life."
-Bob Marley
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Seeing Clearer
♥ Embrace what you're heart has been telling you to do.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Giveaway: Stonewash & Bloom

Here's how to enter. It's really easy. Just leave a comment to this post for each entry available below:
#1 (Mandatory Entry): You must be a follower of Stonewash & Bloom blog and Love is Everywhere blog.
#2 Entry: Like Stonewash & Bloom on Facebook. Let her know we sent you ♥
#3 Entry: Head on over to Stonewash & Bloom Etsy and let us know what your favorite item is!
#4 Entry: Twitter, blog or Facebook this Giveaway. Leave a comment for each time you do!
Giveaway ends 9/13 @ Midnight
Good luck!
Before and After
To make myself feel better, I"ll pretend that this is the truth. Everyone has that junk drawer or in this case closet that just accumulates a bunch of crap over the years. It's the place you put something when you think to yourself.. "Oh, I'll definitely use that at some point". Or perhaps it just doesn't fit anywhere else so you think... "Oh, I'll just place this in here and then very soon I'll organize everything and find a perfect spot for it". This is where you insert that loud noise when you get the wrong answer on game show... ehhhhnnnnnttt!
That item will sit in the drawer or closet.. or under the bed forever. So I exaggerate a bit on forever. However, it stays there a pretty long time until you finally get the motivation to take everything out and start from scratch. My taking everything our and starting from scratch required two large, black garbage bags. I feel great. I no longer feel the stress of having to search for something in the closet or even avoid opening it when I show people around my house! Ah feel amazing at this moment and very accomplished! This is love, don't you agree? To feel stress free over something that has caused you so much anxiety?

If you would like to share a little before and after in your life.. feel free to link it up here!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Winners to our recent Giveaways
Congratulations to..
Scentsy: Sam Buck
Love is Photography: Julie Lynn Bickham

Saturday, September 3, 2011
Lovely Weekend!
Off to celebrate our 10 year Anniversary in Rhode Island ♥
When I return, there will be many photos to share with ya'll ♥
Have a lovely weekend!
If you're not sure what to do..
Here's some ideas :)
Go pick fruit!
Venture off to find a lake, river, or some place beautiful near water that you may never have been before. Be sure to take a picture!
While you're there... skip a rock. Or just make one go Ka-Plunk!
Spread the love ♥
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