Hey there lovelies! My name is Romantic Savy and my blog is Romance In A Glance. I'm a newlywed who happens to be a closet writer and I enjoy everything that is mushy, gushy in life. After planning my summer wedding I became slightly obsessed with all things wedding and bridal; and then learning about the everyday life of marriage as a wife made me even more interested in romance. So I took my new passions and combined them with my old passion for writing to create Romance! I believe in the power of the little things that matter in life that many of us overlook. Make sure to stop by and follow along if you'd like and say hello. You'll read everything from dating advice and dating ideas to bridal advice and wedding ideas. Frequently I feature other brides and share their stories and their advice with you (any follower can do this!) and I have a new sassy and sexy feature, Guys 101. So if you like the mushy, gushy things in life, then I think you may love it over at my place! Hope to have you!
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Hi there, I’m Jamie from Awesomely-Awkward. I am a wife, a mother to a beautiful fur baby, a hard worker, and etsy shop owner, and a blogger. Let’s just say I wear many hats. I’m scatterbrained, love Reese’s peanut butter cups, have an obsession with jewelry (explains the Etsy shop), and am constantly talking to myself… or my cat. That’s me in a teeny tiny nutshell. I started my blog because I have so many awesome and even more awkward moments to share with everyone. Come join me will you… because sometimes life is awkward.
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♥ I LOVE my family, my kids are my everything! I am a work from home/ stay-at-home mom because I love being home with my kids. They are only young once, right?
♥ When I was younger, I would stay up all night redecorating and rearranging my bedroom, now I am an Interior Designer and
I own www.DecorativeConceptsOnline.com and have been in business for 7 years.
♥ I love CLOTHES (always have) and in college I was the Head Designer for 3 annual Fashion Shows. I will have to post some pictures of all my sorority sisters in all my cowgirl outfits someday. I also went into Fashion Design and I started www.FabulessFashions.com about 6 months ago because of my passion for fashion. In High School I was voted "Best Dressed"...Which was a very nice compliment - (Thank you classmates).
♥ I have always wished I was a little taller with longer legs, I am 5' 2" - So, to compensate, I love to wear HEELS, the trick is comfortable ones.
♥ I enjoy playing the Harp. I started playing in grade school and even though I don't play my harp as often, I do play for weddings and events every once and awhile. I try to make it a goal to sit down and play every Sunday, no matter what. I hope my girls will want to play it someday. It's easier to learn by knowing how to play the piano.
♥ My nickname in college was "Misdemeanor" - I will let your imagination wonder.
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♥ I'm relocating to Philadelphia for work in less than two weeks and I'm freakin' out! I hope to find another great set of bloggers to keep up the fun!
♥ I've inherited double bent pinkies from my grandfather. My father, brothers and nephews all have this crazy recessive gene. ♥ I'll drink almost anything out of mug. This is so well known with my friends and family that it is probably the most common gift or souveniere that I receive from them. I have quite the Starbucks mug collection. :)
♥ I may be the strangest person to pray for rain on Sundays. There's something about being able to lounge around on a rainy Sunday on the couch watching movies and eating soup {out of mugs, of course!}.
♥ I'm pretty sure that Miss Katie and I are long lost buddies. We've only met once at a CT Bloggers' Meet Up with several of my colleagues and we were instant friends. I hope everyone gets to meet someone in the blogging community just like her! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
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♥ I have an odd love for office supply stores like Staples and could look around for hours!
♥ I had a proper British accent until I was about 8 years old.
♥ I love typing, I used to type papers for my younger sister because she didn't enjoy it, so, she would just hand write it and I would type it up...if I
could get paid to type all day, I'd do it!
♥ I eat the same thing for breakfast every single morning with a pumpkin spice or peppermint mocha latte every morning when I'm at home.
♥ I went through a Michael Damian obsession when I was a teenager and used to say if I had a boy one day I would name him Michael with a middle name Damian...however, that has changed! LOL!