I was 16 when I was in my very first relationship. It was a good relationship. It lasted nearly four years and we lived together for a year and a half. But you know what? I never had the urge to marry this guy. It never crossed my mind, ever. We were more like friends than a couple. After years of living with this {to me, the relationship was more like a safety net / baby blanket than anything}, I ended things. A few months later, at the age of 20, I met S. I honestly have no idea what I seen in S. We had nothing in common. I think it was because I was just... plain lonely. I've always had someone by my side, so I basically took whoever came across my path. BIG MISTAKE. S and I should have never been together. Our relationship was dysfunctional. He cheated on me numerous of times and I resented him for that. But I stayed... I stayed because I was so dependent on him {yes, and stupid}.
It was December 2009. I was burying myself in my school work {I was finishing up my last semester of my undergrad degree}. Whenever I wasn't studying or in class, I was volunteering. Then, I was out with my friends. I was basically doing anything BUT hanging out with S. I was pretty much at the breaking point and was really considering breaking up with him. So one day, December 5th-- I think-- I was sitting in my last political science class of the semester. We were just finishing up with a few presentations. I was talking to my friend Teja, who sat in front of me, when our prof announced the very last presentation. I noticed this "tall hot/quiet guy" get up out of his seat and make his way to the front of the class. I continued to chat to my friend. The prof then made one last announcement, "Ken here is going to give a presentation about the Omar Khadr case." My head perked up. I hushed my friend. My eyes were GLUED to this tall hot/quiet guy.
You see, for months and months, I was advocating for this particular case. I was very sensitive to this issue and even coordinated university events to help raise awareness. So there Mr. Tall hot/quiet is...standing in front of my class, about to give a presentation ON THIS CASE. My God, I thought... Why didn't I befriend this guy earlier? We could have chatted about this issue together! I could have helped him coordinate my event last month {lol}!
After his class, I was still in awe. The dorky side of me then took over and I ran up to him. "Um, so... I'm super interested and involved in the Omar Khadr case...I coordinated an event last month about it. I was wondering if you could send me your paper sometime, I would love to read it and maybe you can get involved in similar causes!" I then slipped him a note with my email on it. Honestly, I wasn't hitting on him. I really wanted to read his paper, that was it. He smiled and agreed.
Three hours later, I received an email from him. Not with his paper though. Apparently, "it wasn't finished." Instead, he gave me his MSN email address and said that he would love to chat sometime... about the case or just whatever. Hmmm... INTERESTING. But whatevs, I decided to add him to MSN anyway and we began to talk....for hours upon hours!
He was SO intelligent! So hilarious! I loved it!
Within the next few days, we began to study together for our final {just as friends}. Then, we shared a few drinks at the university bar together one night. It hit me right then: I was really starting to like this guy! I was SMILING. I was having fun...something I never really did with S {and yes, at this time, I was still with him}. I finally realized one night that I wanted to give it a shot with Mr. Tall Hot/Quiet {and now, very interesting/intelligent} guy. So I called S and broke it off with him. He went a little psycho... you know, he wouldn't stop calling me, then texting me, then creeping my friends on facebook to try to get information etc. -- But I didn't care. I was having fun with this new guy, Ken.
This was in December 2009 and Ken and I are still together...but the BEST part is, I am so incredibly happy! This is the FIRST time in my life that I really fell head over heels with someone. We've been through so much together. His father died of cancer when we were only dating for six months. When he took sick, I flew to a different province {where Ken's parents lived} to be with Ken and his parents. His father passed away the night I arrived. However, I will always cherrish the few hours I got to spend time with him. Shortly after his fathers death, Ken and I decided to move to a different province {mainly because I was accepted to graduate school}. We ended up moving in together. Within a few weeks, we bought a boxer puppy together. That Christmas {which was last year}, I didn't fly home to be with my family; instead, I spent it with his. This summer past, I decided to leave Ken and our dog behind and travel to Russia for two months {for school}. It was rough on our relationship, but it made it SO much stronger. It worked because we are really dedicated to this relationship.
I love this man with all of my heart and soul. Once upon a time, I was an unhappy girlfriend who resented her boyfriend. I never wore a smile and butterflies never danced in my stomach. Now, I am the complete opposite! I am so blessed!
And oh, just last week, Ken fell to his knee and asked me to marry him! I squealed out "YEEEEEESSSSS!!!!!" as we embraced eachother. I felt SO incredibly alive! So happy! ...And of course, a little lucky... Who would ever thought an in-class presentation would bring two people together? ;)
I hope you enjoyed it!!!