Our Wedding is only 281 days away. It feels decades away, but that could be because I've been waiting my whole life to plan for this special day. I honestly want to talk about Wedding planning 24/7 but I don't want to drive anyone crazy so I figured I'll write it here. That way no one is stuck in my presence of listening, haha.
The planning is the best part. I can see though why so many women get stressed. I've had my share of 'minor' stresses but I put those bad boys to rest quickly. Charlie & I had no hesitation when deciding who we wanted to ask to be in our Bridal Party. Though there are so many friends we wish that we could include they'll still be apart of our special day. We are so lucky to have such wonderful friends who love us and want to be there and have been helping out with their awesome ideas.
We were originally planning on having our Wedding split up a bit, with our Ceremony in Maine and then a Reception a few weeks later in our hometown at my parents. After thinking about it, it made so much more sense to have it all together so now we're down to one day and I am more excited than I was before. Deciding on dresses and decorations has my mind constantly pulling out that creative side I've been hiding away.
I know what colors I want and my theme I'm going for is French/Vintage to bring in my french heritage. Since we each lost all of our grandparents we're including them as well. I am putting together photos and I want to set something lovely up at our Wedding to remember our relatives that won't be there. We're trying to also include some other people outside of our Bridal Party in the Wedding to have little roles here in there and that's important to us too. We'll be writing our own vows which I can't wait to cry my eyes out reading what I'll be writing (it's all in my head now) to Charlie.
I put together a little collage of cute pinterest ideas I found! Hope you like! If you find anything you think would be helpful feel free to share! I LOVE getting Wedding Advice! :)