We are down to 1 day left on our "official due date" calendar. Tomorrow, Friday will be 40 weeks that I have carried this little munchkin inside. 40 weeks of taking care of her while she grows and taking care of myself along the way. If she stays too snuggled in there I will be induced Thursday, November 20th. Either way we know she will be here in 1 week and my husband and myself are both ecstatic.
The house is very warm and all set for her. Her sweet swing stands in the living room where we turn it on occasionally to get the fur bur babies adjusted to the noise and movement. In all truth, I turn it on pretending Autumn is laying in it. :)
All of her teeny clothes, socks, mittens and hats are so soft and smell like Dreft, the slightest aroma of clean cotton. Our bags have been packed for weeks now and hanging out in the car beside her car seat.
We will soon be a complete family.. any day now.